Important disclaimer:
All of the illustrations used in this prototype belong to Jacquelin De Leon.
This app, titled ArtFrenzy, is a response to the growing problem artists encounter when posting their work on the internet.
It is extremely easy for art theft to happen in the online sphere and almost impossible to completely hold the perpetrators accountable, which is why I thought an app like this needed to see the light.
ArtFrenzy is a social media application made entirely for artists.
Even though there is the option to post your art like in many other places, its most defining feature is the reverse image search.
Through this, the user can upload pictures of their art and see in which website they were posted, this way if there is a post the artist doesn’t recognise they can easily find and report it, as well as share its link for their followers to report too and hopefully have it taken down.

Screen capture of the Adobe XD interface.